How to know your a facebook addict?

You know you are addicted to Facebook if:

You check your Facebook page before having your first cup of coffee or even before going to the bathroom in the morning.

Stopping before you leave the house to inform everyone that you are about to leave the house.

You are spending more time changing your status update than actually doing anything worth commenting on.

You are changing your profile picture every time you change your clothes to keep it recent.

You start using Facebook as a verb. As in "I'm going to "Facebook" so and so or I was "Facebooking" last night.

If you interrupt an actual conversation that you are having with a person and tell them "you know what, why don't I just "Facebook" you later...

Every time you take a picture you wonder if it is going to be Facebook worthy.

You leave a party early because you can't wait to get all of the pictures you just took up on the computer and tagged.

You plan all of your social activities on Facebook instead of using the phone.

You get jealous of other peoples plans and feel left out even though you don't personally know them.

You are unsure whether you are actually "in" a relationship until the other person makes it Facebook official in the Relationship Status section.

You feel you might need therapy because someone you barely knew 20 years ago won't accept you as a friend.

You get mortally offended if no one responds to the clever quote it took you 20 minutes to come up with.

You wonder how you could have possibly wronged a person who is on a mutual friend's page but not on yours.

Such as "What did I ever do to them that they don't want to be my friend too?"You purposely try to recruit people you do not even know to up your "friends count".

You pretend that you are doing some really exciting things so others will find you interesting enough to want to be your friend too.
My Own Points to check if your a Facebook Addict
You have an emergency friend who knows your password so that you have someone to call to open up your account if you miscalculated the time of harvest on FARMVILLE or RESTAURANT CITY
Most of your shoutouts are via mobile or via iphone when your at work or on the road.
you are always updated and frends almost see you online everyday.
when you log in to the net, first thing that comes to your mind is to open your facebook.
You never fail to check your FB everytime you log in.
Your friends are complaining because of tags you put everyday about non sense picture just for them to know your alive and kicking.
You are always high leveled in EVERY game facebook have.
You know everything about your friends even if you havent met them for almost eons of years
i hope you can relate. so, do you have a facebook addiction disorder?

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